Police grant greenlight to 2300 political rally notifications

Staff Reporter
Zimbabwe Republic Police National Spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, has revealed that police received a staggering 2,663 notifications on holding political rallies and other political activities from January to 25 July 2023. Out of these, 2,369 notifications have been approved.

Nyathi addressing the media over the weekend also disclosed that 194 notifications were not granted permission for various reasons.
“From January 2023 to 25 July 2023 ZRP has received a total of 2663 notifications on holding of rallies, public gatherings, and other activities from political parties in the country. 2 369 notifications have been given the green light whilst 194 were not,” he said.
While the vast majority of political events have been conducted without any issues, Nyathi acknowledged that there have been sporadic instances of political clashes. However, he emphasized that these incidents have been isolated and are not posing a significant threat to the overall security and calmness of the country.
“The country has reported isolated cases of political clashes and from the country’s security point of view they are not affecting the peaceful environment which the country is enjoying,” said Nyathi.

Acknowledging the minor disruptions that have occurred, Nyathi expressed confidence in the ability of the police force to handle any potential security challenges that may arise.
“The police remain committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all citizens to participate in political activities without fear or intimidation,” he said.

He however said politicians from desist from holding door to door campaigns as they have the potential of igniting violence.
“The so called door to door campaigns in the run up to the elections are now fermenting some clashes. This includes the holding of night rallies, particularly after 1630 hours,” he said.
He also urged political parties to respect private property and avoid pasting posters on such.

The police spokesperson’s comments come as the nation closely observes the political landscape, with numerous parties and political movements actively engaging in campaign rallies and events ahead of upcoming elections.

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