Suspected borehole cyanide poisoning shakes community

Staff Reporter

A suspected cyanide poisoning of a borehole water source in Ward 33, Sherwood has left the community shaken after livestock died due to the suspected defilement of drinking water.

About 30 families in the area who rely on the borehole for drinking water have been left with no nearby source of water after it was decommissioned pending laboratory testing.

Village kraal head Nevison Moyo told this publication on Friday that the poisoning killed livestock in the area in 2022 before it was noticed that drinking water was contaminated.

“Some of our livestock was affected after drinking water from the borehole where its suspected that the mining chemical, cyanide had polluted the water. We called our local councilor who informed the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) notifying them.

Ema took the water samples for lab testing and we are waiting to hear if it no longer poses a danger to the villagers. We are not really sure of the source of pollution. We are happy that no human fatalities were recorded,” he said.

Meanwhile EMA Kwekwe District Environmental Officer Daniel Magombedze said recently they discovered 2kg of the poisonous chemical near a dam in Kwekwe.

“A 2kg bag of cyanide was picked near Cycle G dam near Sebakwe and we were not sure of the intentions of the person who left it there. We thought it was most likely destined for use in poaching as there are no signs of mining in that area,” he said.

Magombedze called on the community to alert EMA in the event that they suspect that there might be cyanide leaks from mines.

“If you suspect that water with cyanide is leaking from the mines please do not hesitate to call us so that we can take action and safeguard human lives and livestock,” he said.

Cyanide is a poisonous chemical compound used in mining and can kill instantly if ingested.

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