Man killed over change

Staff Reporter

A 22-year-old man was allegedly killed for asking for his change.

The incident happened on 28 October 2023 around 1900 hours at Zim-China, Mimosa turn-off shops in Zvishavane.

According to police on 26 October 2023 the now deceased Ellias Makamu (22) bought a plate of sadza worth US$1-00 from Collen Takawira using a US$10-00 note and did not get his change.

“On 28 October 2023, Makamu went to the shops and requested for his change from Takawira resulting in a misunderstanding. Takawira then stabbed Makamu on the chest with an unknown sharp object before fleeing from the scene. Makamu tried to pursue the suspect for about 5 metres but failed and fell down. He was rushed to hospital where he was pronounced dead upon arrival,” said Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko.

Police called on members of the public to report the where abouts of Takawira to the nearest police station.

“We are appealing for information leading to the arrest of Collen Takawira. We also urge members of the public to request a third party to help in solving disputes,” said Mahoko.


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