11 cholera cases in Kwekwe

Staff Reporter

Kwekwe city has not been spared from the cholera scourge as the city currently has 11 cases with most of them being imported from other areas,  an official has said.

Kwekwe City Acting Assistant Health Director Sister Patricia Shumba speaking in a full council meeting yesterday said most of the cases did not originate from Kwekwe as they are brought into the city from other areas save for one case.

“To date we admitted 11 cases at the Infectious Diseases Hospital of which out of the 11, ten are from outside Kwekwe. The 11th case is a local one and we are still waiting for results to ascertain if it is cholera. Another woman who was admitted was in transit from Gokwe to Gutu and her results are not yet out,” she said.

According to the Ministry of Health and Child Care as of 1 February 2024, Midlands recorded 14 new suspected cases with a cumulative 569 suspected cases.

The province recorded 35 suspected cholera deaths.



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