Brothers murder uncle days after Amnesty release

Staff Reporter

Two brothers from Chemagora, Chief Nemangwe, Gokwe  area,  allegedly murdered their uncle on 23 April 2024, seven days after their release from prison through President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s amnesty.

Brothers, Evans (25) and Elvis Mupamhanga (21) who recently benefited from President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s amnesty, found themselves embroiled in a heated argument with their parents, Kennedy and Monica Mupamhanga, over water management on their family farm.

The accused duo then confronted Forever Sikochi, their uncle, about the water issue. However, what began as a verbal altercation soon escalated into a chilling confrontation, as the nephews, allegedly with intent to harm, drove Sikochi towards the Gokwe/Kwekwe highway.

A twist of fate brought the nephews face to face with their uncle the now deceased, Kidney Mupamhanga (62) who was returning home with a sack of groceries. Seizing the opportunity, the accused persons feigned goodwill, escorting the deceased home.

As the group neared their destination, the accused allegedly swiftly turned on the uncle, launching a brutal attack with the aid of an axe. One of the accused it is said shouted for reinforcements, prompting their father, Sikochi and another villager Forseen Mvurumu to flee the scene, leaving the uncle at the mercy of his assailants.

Mvurumu and Sikochi it is said informed another villager Ngoni Chinho of the murder. The villagers teamed up to effect a citizen arrest on the duo.

It is said after murdering their uncle the duo together with their parents sought refuge at Job Mupamhanga house in Sesame, Gokwe.

The villagers who had teamed up caught up with the duo at Job’s house where the accused persons were heavily assaulted. They were admitted at Gokwe General Hospital where they were arrested.

The body of the uncle it is said was found with the head smashed and had deep cuts all over. The body was taken to Gokwe District Mortuary.

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