Overseer Ganyau burial set for tomorrow

Staff Reporter

Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe (AFM), National Secretary General, Overseer Guide Stewart Ganyau who died at his home on Saturday night is set to be buried tomorrow at Msasa Cemetery, Kwekwe.

Overseer Ganyau was 59, he is survived by his wife Tsitsi, and four children, three girls and a boy.

Family spokesperson Erizari Munyai, brother to the deceased who spoke to this publication said the death came as a big shock to the family as it was sudden.

“We are out of words as his death was so sudden we were not expecting anything nearer to that. If he had not been well it would have been understandable. This is a great loss to the family and church,” he said.

AFM in  Zimbabwe President Bishop Amon Madawo said Overseer Ganyau’s death was a great loss to the family, church, and Zimbabwe as a whole as he was instrumental in the growth of the church.

“Overseer Ganyau was a leader in our church. He was an overseer for many years in Midlands Central which covers Kwekwe, Torwood, parts of Chiwundura and Crossroads. He has been leading the church for a long time before that he was provincial secretary.

He was part of growth of this church, he contributed immensely to the growth of the church until last of last year he was elected secretary general of AFM in Zimbabwe. In that short time his contribution was great. He was a pillar to many, the church his family and Zimbabwe has lost a soldier in God’s army,” said Bishop Madawo.


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