CCC legislator ‘forced’ to wear Zanu PF regalia

By Chipo Gudhe

A Redcliff Constituency Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislator,  Lloyd Dzikamai Mukapiko, has alleged that he was forcefully made to wear Zanu-PF regalia during a recent campaign visit to Ward 30, Moyobvumira area by ruling party supporters.

According to Mukapiko, he was held against his will for approximately two hours on Monday by a group of Zanu PF youths in the area who told him that it was a no-go area for opposition parties.

The incident occurred when Mukapiko visited Redcliff as part of his campaign strategy in the area. He claims that upon his arrival, he was confronted by a group of ZANU-PF supporters who insisted that he wear their party regalia. Feeling threatened and fearing for his safety, Mukapiko complied with their demands.

“I went on a tour to see the areas under my constituency when I arrived at Moyobvumira, Ward 30 that’s when I met Zanu PF hooligans who came and took my car keys and started manhandling me and my team. They held us hostage for more than two hours and we were forced to wear those Zanu caps. When I asked why they were doing that they said as CCC we were not allowed to campaign in that area,” he said.

However, an audio recording has surfaced, allegedly between Mukapiko and another CCC candidate, Clayton Masiyatsva where he allegedly said that he was not in any immediate danger and that he wore the ZANU-PF regalia as a disguise to avoid potential assault.

The authenticity of the audio recording was not independently verified by the time of publishing and Mukapiko dismissed it.

“That was not me in that audio,” he said.

Meanwhile, ZANU-PF ward 30 councilor, Idirashe Dongo, acknowledged hearing about the issue but expressed a different perspective.

Cllr Idirashe Dongo

According to Dongo, she understands that Mukapiko chose to wear the regalia willingly.

“He wore the regalia because he wanted to; no one forced him. I was not around, but what I know is that villagers in the area are very vigilant as we have lost our cattle to rustlers, so his movement in an unmarked car was suspicious. About the regalia that was a personal choice for him, he said it in that audio to his colleague. He was never intimidated or assaulted and the people in the area do not even know him despite him being a legislator, he has been absent,” she said.

Mukapiko said he did not make a police report.




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