Construction of Globe and Phoenix school to start second term: Minister Moyo

By Sithandweyinkosi Mpofu

The long-awaited construction of Globe and Phoenix Primary School is set to commence in the upcoming second term of the year, as announced by the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Torerai Moyo.

Moyo, in an interview with this publication, stated that The Church of Christ, Latter-day Saints, has provided funding to support the construction of the school.

“We are on track to fulfill the commitment we made to facilitate the reconstruction of the school,” said Minister Moyo, signaling a positive step forward for the education sector.

The Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints has been mobilizing funds to support the reconstruction efforts, added Moyo.

Minister Moyo also mentioned that representatives will be sent to inspect the new site of the school.

“We will be dispatching representatives to survey the location where the school will be reconstructed,” said Moyo. “This initiative extends beyond Globe and Phoenix, as several schools are slated for reconstruction this year,” he added.

“Individuals such as Matsa, owner of Golden Mile Hotel, have pledged to build one classroom block at Globe and Phoenix Primary School, and we call on other corporates to emulate that,” he said.

Currently pupils from Globe and Phoenix have been sharing space with Russel Primary School following the collapse of part of their school last year.


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