Drug abuse a security threat: Police

By Staff Reporter

Police Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi has said that drug abuse has now become a security threat issue in Zimbabwe.

Nyathi recently said that the menace of drug and substance abuse has permeated all sectors of society, affecting both the employed and unemployed, as well as the young and elderly population.

“We are fighting a common enemy which is drug and substance abuse in our country. It is affecting all sectors whether one is working or not, the youths and the elderly,” he said.

Nyathi said that the threat has also permeated into the rural areas where it was never an issue. He called on the media to raise awareness on the dangers of drug abuse.

“Now the scourge is even spreading into the rural areas which were normally untainted. The media should play a pivotal role in complementing the police efforts in combating the widespread drug abuse that has plagued the nation,” he said.

He stressed the need for a united front, emphasizing that the fight against drugs is a collective responsibility that requires the cooperation of law enforcement agencies, government institutions, and the media.

According to Nyathi, drug abuse has been a significant catalyst for criminal activities throughout the country. He highlighted the importance of media in raising public awareness, disseminating information, and providing educational resources that can aid in prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation efforts.

Nyathi said police in Beitbridge on 27 October 2023 arrested an MNH truck driver, Edison Kazingizi (29) at Beitbridge Border Post in connection with unlawful possession of 48 x 100ml of Benlyn Codeine, 50 x 100 Adyco Salterpyn, and 50 x 100ml Broncleer cough syrup.

“The contraband with a street value of US$14 453 was hidden in the truck which was carrying drums containing oil from South Africa,” said Assistant Commissioner Nyathi on the police X handle formerly Twitter.

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