Mudha warns Zanu PF candidates not to poll more votes than Mnangagwa

By Staff Reporter

Former State Security Minister Owen Ncube has sent a grave warning to contesting Zanu-PF candidates who are going to poll more votes than the party’s presidential candidate President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Mudha as Ncube is known is Mnangagwa’s ‘Chief Campaigner’ in Midlands and has been on a whirlwind tour of the province where he has been a guest of honour in all the province’s constituencies’ campaign launch rallies.

In all the constituencies in Midlands Ncube’s message has been consistent.

“In this campaign, the most important candidate is our presidential candidate President Emmerson Mnangagwa. As we are launching these constituency campaign rallies it must be known that the President’s name must be prioritized ahead of others. The election day was deliberately chosen during midweek on a Wednesday so that we will accommodate all the people including mainly members of the apostolic sects who visits their shrines on Thursday to Sunday, so there is no excuse of not coming out to vote for the President on the day,” he said during a recently held campaign launch rally in Kwekwe.

He added that when results are announced there must be a consistency.

“When results are announced we want to see a consistency in terms of poll figures, what the councilor gets must be the same figure the MP gets and above all the President gets. We are not going to tolerate a situation where the President polls less votes than the councilor or MP so be guided accordingly,” he warned.

Zanu-PF has been preaching about unity following bhora musango threats.

“Yes, our victory is certain, but we need to be united,” Ncube said, before adding, “The campaign we are conducting here in Midlands is a united force for us to win Midlands resoundingly. Every province here in, Midlands must be won by Zanu-PF.”

Mudha said Zanu-PF as a party which fought for the country’s liberation deserves to be on the power stead.

“A Zanu-PF victory is certain. Zan-PF is not only a revolutionary party but also a people centered party with people centered policies which are attractive to the people. We saw the transformation which was brought by President Mnangagwa during the few years he has been in power. Progress and development is there for all to see. Therefore, this election is about handing a fresh mandate to the President,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mudha said party youths must not be intimidated by rival political parties.

“The President has been preaching peace, he has been calling for a peaceful poll and I am also encouraging peace. However, our youths must not be intimidated. Our youths are the vanguard of the revolutionary party and must be ready to defend the party. As youths you must be alert and remain vigilant,” he said.



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