Police ban Chamisa Zhombe rally

By Chipo Gudhe
The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has banned a rally organized by the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) to host its leader, Nelson Chamisa in Zhombe. The rally, originally scheduled to take place at the Joel Business Centre, Zhombe tomorrow, 14 July 2023, has been prohibited due to alleged non-compliance with Section 7 of the Maintenance Peace and Order Act (Mopa)

In an interview, aspiring Member of Parliament for Zhombe Constituency Judah Benison Ntini confirmed the ban and voiced concerns that this prohibition is severely hindering the opposition party’s ability to actively participate in the upcoming elections, claiming that they are entering the race with their “legs and hands tied.”
“Yes, I can confirm that our application was not approved. The police said that the rally is prohibited according to Section 7 of MOPA. We are tired of having that section quoted and we are trying to book another day for President Chamisa to come but we do not know what will happen,” he said.
Ntini said as CCC they are in the election race with both hands and feet tied thus it can not be termed as a free and fair election.
“We are in a race with our hands and legs tied and some people claim that we will have a free and fair election. People are excited to see and hear President Chamisa so that they can make a choice but look we are six weeks away from election day and this is still happening in Zimbabwe,” he said.
Ntini said public discourse in any functioning democracy is important and that the rally was a peaceful gathering aimed at engaging with the citizens, and sharing their party’s vision for the future.
He added that they can not freely hold meetings even at private homesteads as Zanu PF members disrupt them and intimidate villagers.
“We have not distributed our party regalia in Zhombe because we fear for the safety of our members. If they wear yellow their lives are at risk. Even if you hold a meeting at someone’s homestead these Zanu PF people come to disrupt and intimidate people. They (Zanu PF) talk of peace but that is not the instruction on the ground,” he said.
Chamisa is currently in Midlands Province and yesterday was in Gokwe Nembudziya. He is expected to address a rally at Donsa Business Centre, Silobela tomorrow, and Kwekwe on Sunday.

The Maintenance Peace and Order Act, which forms the legal basis for the ZRP’s decision, is designed to ensure public safety and preserve peace during public gatherings. However, opposition members argue that the ban is politically motivated and intended to suppress their campaign efforts.
Critics argue that this ban sets a troubling precedent, as it restricts the opposition party’s ability to hold public events and communicate their policies and ideas to the electorate.

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