By Chipo Gudhe
Hundreds of Redcliff residents gathered at Torwood Hall on Thursday to bid farewell to Mayor Clayton Masiyatsva who died on Wednesday.
Masiyatsva collapsed at his home and was rushed to Topomasi Private Hospital where he died on admission.
He was 45.
Addressing mourners at the hall, Gweru mayor Martin Chivoko said Masiyatsva was a leader par excellence.
“Masiyatsva was a good leader who always led by example. He always consulted with others on issues regarding local governance, we were always constantly talking advising each other. This is a sad loss to Redcliff and the Midlands Province at large,” he said.
Redcliff Town Clerk Gilson Chakauya hailed Masiyatsva as a pro-development leader who looked beyond political affiliations. Chakauya called on councilors who aspire to become the next mayor to emulate Masiyatsva.
“I applaud Mayor Masiyatsva as he was development oriented. He never looked at affiliations but he put the town first. He was not an imposer as he always consulted to understand issues from different perspectives. That is the kind of leadership we want, leadership that is open to different views on a matter. We worked well with Masiyatsva and we hope to work well with those interested in succeeding him,” he said.
Amos Masiyatsva, brother to the deceased said it was a great loss to the family and community.
“He was a great leader in the community and at the family level. This is a great loss to us and the Redcliff community,” he said.
Masiyatsva is survived by a wife and five children.
He was born in 1979 in Musamhi District, Chipinge. He attended Musamhi Primary before attending George Hill Primary and proceeded to Batanai High School. He attended Domboshava Training Centre where he attained a Diploma in Local Government.
In 2008 he was elected as a councilor for Redcliff Ward 3 and served four terms becoming a mayor in the process.
He is expected to be buried at Mugari Village, Chief Musikavanhu area, Chipinge on Saturday.