Two men stoned to death in full view of Catholic Priest

Staff Reporter

Two Gokwe men were stoned to death by another man in full view of a Roman Catholic Priest near Batanai Roman Catholic Church in Manoti, Gokwe on Wednesday around 1700hours.

The two, Shekem Muromo (58) and Bonface Gwatiringa (60) were on their way home from Manoti Business Centre when they saw the suspect Obvious Ngwazani sitting by the roadside without putting on a shirt before he attacked them.

According to the Zimbabwe Republic Police Ngwazani (35) a suspected mentally challenged patient stoned the two to death.

“The incident occurred on 17 July 2024 around 1700 hours near Batanai Roman Catholic church in Manoti, Gokwe.
It is alleged that Shekem Muromo (58) and Bonface Gwatiringa (60) were on their way home from Manoti Business centre when they saw the suspect Obvious Ngwazani sitting by the roadside without putting on a shirt

They ordered him to put on his shirt. This did not go down well with Ngwazani who charged towards the two, armed with a stone and struck Shekemu once on the head and he fell down and died instantly. He further charged towards Gwatiringa, picked stones which he used to strike him several times. He fell down and died as well. This all occurred in the eyes of a Roman Catholic Priest who reported the matter to the police,” Midlands Police Spokesperson Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko said.

Police attended the scene and the two dead bodies were conveyed to Gokwe South District Hospital mortuary.

Police appealed to families with mentally ill people to take them for medical reviews.

“We urge members of the public who have relatives who are mentally challenged to take them under medication as guided by medical practioners or mental institutions,” said Inspector Mahoko.

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