Whip cracks on senior Zanu PF officials

By Chipo Gudhe

Midlands province Zanu-PF vice-chairperson Edson Chiherenge has lashed out firing salvos at senior party officials who have been accused of bullying junior party members. This comes as the party tries to prepare for the forthcoming elections, with the aim of retaining power.

Edson Chiherenge

Chiherenge in an uncontrolled outburst of anger at a Zanu PF Kwekwe Central Constituency campaign launch on Monday at Amaveni Stadium attended by senior officials like former state security minister Owen Mudha Ncube, Minister of Local Government July Moyo, Provincial Women’s league boss Tsitsi Zhou, and national official Maybe Mbowa said that no member of the party was bigger than the party itself and that no-one should be deterred from campaigning just because they had not been informed or because a certain individual was unavailable.

Chiherenge urged party officials to avoid the “big brother mentality”, where senior leaders would dominate and intimidate their juniors. He stated that this was not the way the party was supposed to operate and that everyone should be treated with the same level of respect.

“We should not fight in the same house. Once President Emmerson Mnangagwa has launched a campaign no one else should stop people from campaigning. You want to restrain people from campaigning who are you? We do not want people who move around flexing their muscles and party positions trampling on others.

Leadership, please note that if I get into this mode I mean business. I am not afraid of anyone and I do not bootlick people regardless of what position you hold in Zanu PF if you are a loser with no votes you are nothing,” he said.

He added that aspiring candidates are intimidated and bullied all in the name of senior officials who feel superior.

“These candidates are pushed and shoved and can not campaign under the excuse that they have to wait for leaders. There is nothing like that. The bigger thing is Zanu Pf and we look at it not on individuals. The supporters are the important aspect in this matrix and they should all be treated with respect,” he said.

According to sources, the vice-chairperson’s remarks come after reports of bullying and intimidation by some senior officials against junior members who were seeking to engage in political activities. The junior members were allegedly being prevented from engaging in grass-roots campaigns, ostensibly because top leadership had to authorize and be available.

“Some senior party officials believe that they are entitled to special treatment and that they should be able to direct the activities of their juniors as they see fit,” said one source who requested anonymity.

He said the party’s leadership will need to take a strong stance against such behavior if they are to avoid a repeat of the divisions and in-fighting that has plagued the party in the past.

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