Baby, man die in inferno

Staff Reporter

Police are investigating two separate fire incidents in Mvuma and Mberengwa that resulted in the tragic deaths of a 7-month-old baby and a 21-year-old man.

According to Midlands {Police Spokesperson Emmanuel Mahoko, the first incident occurred on May 11, 2024, at around 1700hours  in Village 32, Chiwodza area, Mvuma.

“Deliwe Mapfumo, 32, had left her two children, Delight Chiunde, 7 months, and a 3 year old, asleep in a hut while she went to fetch water from a nearby well. Upon returning, she found her hut engulfed in flames, with her neighbor Erica Machisa, 53, and her son attempting to extinguish the fire.

Despite their efforts, the fire was too intense, and only the 3-year-old was rescued, albeit with severe burns. Tragically, the 7-month-old infant perished in the blaze,” said Inspector  Mahoko.

“The second incident took place on May 12, 2024, at around 3:00 AM in Village Maribha, Chief Mahlebadza, Mberengwa. Isaac Matsheza, 71, and his son, Tapiwa Matsheza, 21, were asleep in their thatched bedroom hut when unknown individuals set it on fire. Isaac, who was awakened by the blaze, tried to alert his son. Unable to wake him, Isaac escaped the burning hut, sustaining serious burns. Tapiwa, who had been drinking beer earlier that night at Gaha Business Centre, was trapped inside and burned beyond recognition,” he said.

Isaac Matsheza is currently receiving treatment at Gwanda Provincial Hospital, while Tapiwa’s body was taken to Musume Mission Hospital.

Police have launched investigations into both incidents and are appealing to the public for any information that may assist in their inquiries.


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