Four soldiers die near BF

Staff Reporter

Four soldiers died on Tuesday near Battlefields whilst several people were injured in a head-on collision at the 180km peg along the Harare-Bulawayo highway.

Zimbabwe Defence Forces Director of Poly, Public Relations and International Affairs, Brigadier General Augustine Chipwere in a statement confirmed the death of Brigadier General Shadreck Vezha, Major Thabani Ncube, Major Mqondisi Gumbo and a non commissioned Sergeant Chakabaiwa.

According to Brigadier General Chipwere the accident occurred when a vehicle transporting ZDF officers, en route to Kadoma, attempted to overtake an unidentified vehicle. The  ZDF vehicle is said to have encroached  into the oncoming lane, resulting in a devastating head-on collision with a Mazda CX-5 travelling towards Kwekwe.

“According to preliminary investigations, it was established that Brigadier General Vezha attempted to overtake an unidentified vehicle and encroached into the oncoming vehicle lane resulting in head-on collision with the Mazda CX-5 which was travelling towards Kwekwe. Passengers who were on board both vehicles sustained varying degrees of injuries and are currently admitted at Gweru and Kwekwe General Hospitals. Investigations surrounding the accident are underway and more information will be availed in due course,”  said Brigadier General Chipwere.

Several passengers from both vehicles suffered injuries and are currently receiving medical treatment at Gweru and Kwekwe General Hospitals.

Meanwhile the Minister of Defence Oppah Muchinguri Kashiri mourned the death of the soldiers.

“I have learnt with shock and sadness the tragic death of four members of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces and injury of other four members in a road traffic accident near Kwekwe along the Harare – Bulawayo highway on 16 April 2024,” she said.
“The unfortunate loss of lives and injuries occurred at a time when the country was preparing to celebrate 44 years of independence. While the nation is in a celebratory mood, your People’s Force participates with a heavy heart and deep sorrow.

“We share the grief and pain with His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, Cde Dr E D Mnangagwa, the family and the nation as a whole as we mourn the departed. May our dear Lord comfort you during this difficult moment.
May the dear souls of the departed rest in eternal peace,” she said.
Minister Muchinguri-Kashiri also wished those who are admitted in hospital a speedy recovery

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