Gokwe man dies in sex stimulant concoction

By Staff Reporter

A 49 year old Gokwe man died after taking a sex stimulant concoction administered by a local traditional healer on 13 March 2024.

Isaac Kabarapate of Village Chireya, Chief Chireya, Gokwe died the following day after complaining of stomach pains after taking the concoction supposed to treat a sex dysfunction administered by a traditional healer MacDonald Ndlovu (49).

Ndlovu has since been arrested on murder charges.

According to Midlands Police Spokesperson Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko on 13 March 2024 around 0800 hours, Chiedza Mdimuranwa (43) left her husband Kabarapate at home while proceeding to her garden at nearby Ume River.

“She returned home at around 1100 hours and was informed by her daughter in-law that Isaac Kabarapate was lying in the bush about 150 meters from the homestead, complaining of stomach pains.

Chiedza went to check her husband and he told her that he had gone to consult a traditional healer, MacDonald Ndlovu for a sexual dysfunction. He further stated that the traditional healer gave him a herbal treatment. He started feeling stomach pains and vomiting blood soon after ingesting the herbs,” said Inspector Mahoko.

On 14 March 2024 and at about 0100 hours Chiedza and her husband’s brother took Kabarapate to Chireya Mission Hospital since his condition was deteriorating. He died while on the way to hospital.

Mahoko said the matter was reported to the police and the traditional healer is currently in custody. Investigations are going on. The body was taken to United Bulawayo Group of Hospitals for post mortem.

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