Masiiwa elected Redcliff mayor

Staff Reporter
Vincent Shangwa Masiiwa of Citizens Coalition Change  was elected Redcliff mayor today during a voting process at town house.
Masiiwa garnered seven votes out of 11, and his competitor from Zanu PF, councillor Josephine Mutamangira got four.
The position fell vacant following the death of mayor councillor Clayton Masiyatsva in January this year.
Masiiwa will be deputised by councillor Fortunate Makava of CCC.
In his acceptance speech Masiiwa called for team work and unity.
“For our town to progress and develop we need team work and unity. Lets work together and set our differences aside to work for the people to address the problems currently bedevilling the town,” he said.
Redcliff Municipality has 11 councillors including three from women’s quota.

The town will hold a by election to fill in the vacancy left following the death of councillor Masiyatsva

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